Illini 4000

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Day 3: Albany, NY to Little Falls, NY

Today’s ride was dedicated to someone important to one Zane, who is one of our awesome riders. We were thinking of this person all day as we rode from Albany to Little Falls New York, a total of 67.5 miles.It started and ended a little bit rainy during our journey today, but nothing too bad! The hills today were tough again, but the team looked absolutely amazing climbing and descending some VERY steep areas. The views were incredible - there was so much green everywhere and fields of flowers and horses. We had a few riders in the van today due to some bike issues and/or body pain, but that was okay! Our team strives to be extremely safe, and for that to happen, the bikes and riders must be at 100%.Speaking of safety, our rider shoutout goes to Viraat! Viraat did a great job all day signaling to cars about whether or not it was safe for them to pass. Being a biker on a busy New York highway can be a scary thing, and cars do not always know how to react around us, especially on hills or blind spots. Viraat made sure to either hold the cars back or wave them through when it was safe!Stayover spotlight: Thank you to the Little Falls YMCA for the place to stay and for the homemade pasta dinner! Because we did not have to make our own dinner riders got to spend some time exploring the Little Falls area, and it was beautiful.