Illini 4000

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Day 76

Hello world!Day 76/76... the 2018 Illini 4000 Bike America Team successfully crossed the Golden Gate Bridge today. Many many tears were shed. Tears of sadness, tears of joy, tears of laughter. All were represented this mornin.This trip has been an experience of a lifetime. We fought through all the hardships and came out on top each time. I am so incredibly proud of every person on this team. We’ve all come a long way and have grown as individuals because of this ride.I would do it all over again in a heartbeat and if you ever get a chance to do something like this, take it!!!Here are some of the things I have come to realize this summer:- I have a new found love for kombucha- Tubeless tires are the way to go so don’t let anyone tell you different- States I’d consider living in:OregonColoradoNorthern Idaho- I can eat PB&J for 75 days straight and not get sick of it- I snore really badly- Standing up no hands is easier than ya thinkGoing into a 76 day long bike trip not knowing anyone was one of the best decisions I ever made. I was terrified getting on that bus/train, but within a few days, I knew I was in the right place and was going to have a lot of fun this summer. And best of all, it was for a great cause. I’ve met some crazy cool cats this summer which I hope will stay lifelong friends.All thanks to my family and friends for getting me here. I wouldn’t have made it through without my amazing support system.Another thank you to everyone who read my blog! I went in thinking I was going to taper out by day 10 ish but here we are hahahaIt’s been real y’all. Until next time.Marge