Illini 4000

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Day 76: The one where they crossed the bridge and became cross country cyclists

Today the team rode 16 miles from San Rafael to San Francisco!! We really did it, we biked all the way to the Golden Gate Bridge. Saying it even now feels surreal, we really made it from NYC to San Fran all via bike. Overall hills, through sweltering heat, freezing cold rain, over mountains, battling forest fires, injuries, lightning, bike breakdowns... the list goes on. This was not the easiest journey, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. It was a battle some days and a breeze others. I know that I learned a lot about myself and even surprised myself at times. I think we can all say the same. There is a new found confidence and strength that comes after completing such a journey. All of us will forever be connected through this grand adventure and I couldn’t be more thankful for the laughter and good times we had together as a team. Seeing that bridge today ( well not really seeing it, due to the fog) made me feel so proud of the team. All of us got here one way or another and that is an accomplishment that very few people can claim. We even were joined by our pal Justin, who drove the van. It was the perfect closing to have him back as he was so loved by the team. It was special that even though he had to leave the journey early he could share that moment with us! After several photos were taken at the lookout point, it was finally time to cross. The last three miles of our cross county ride! It was cold, a little rainy and foggy, but I wasn’t phased by any of it. This was the greatest moment! All of us had been envisioning the moment where we crossed the bridge for almost a year. The addreanal and emotions were in full effect. Once we crossed the bridge we were greeted by our families. “We really did it”, is all that kept running through my head.This morning we went around in our circle and said nice things about our teammates to our left. We also shared our proudest moments. Because of this I would like to thank everyone on the team for all that they contributed to make this summer great! Even if many of you don’t ever read this, I want to say how much fun I have had with you all and how proud I am of everyone on the team! I4K forever :)Today’s ride was dedicated to Elias’s grandmother who was a two time cancer survivor.Thank you to all of you who have kept up with this blog. I’ve work hard this year to capture each day so that each of you can have a small piece of the experience.We also raised approx. 110,000 dollars for cancer research. With this contribution we are now one step closer to ending this awful disease. Thank you again to all who donated.~ Rolling out~ ( what we say when we leave each place everyday)MandyFlat count: 0Song of the day: Time of my lifeMemorable moment: might be obvious...Crossing the bridge :)