Illini 4000

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Day 72

Hello world!Today was a good day.We had a short day and we’re headed to Humboldt Redwoods State Park, so we had a very chill day on the bike. We stopped a lot and took some awesome pics with the Redwoods. It blows my mind how big they are and I’m never gunna get used to it... they belong in another world!I got to chat/FaceTime with my mother and bfffffff Bu Jackson as they helped me pack over the phone for my family vacay post ride! Oh how I miss those goons!!After dinner, a few of us went on an adventure down a path I spotted earlier in the day. The path ended up taking us down to a river where we hung out and skipped rocks for a while. It was refreshing :)BTW Hitarth and Aaron take the cake for best rock skipping of the night. Hitarth had the winner though when he was able to skip it across the river multiple times... this judge was v impressed.Later, I thought it’d be fun to bike through the same paths for night trailbiking. Most thought we were nuts, but Aaron was totally down for it. And boy oh boy did the team miss out!! It was crazy fun biking through all the trees and going through the actual forest, not just on a boring car road but on the path truly next to all the trees.It was a time and a half!!! And folks, it’s the little things that I’m gunna miss from the trip. The river walk, night riding, exploring bowling alleys, taking polaroids of graffiti, climbing trees larger than life, etc etc... this is what I’m going to look back on and remember and I am extremely grateful to have such vivid memories as these.Sorry to get all sappy but you know... life realizations and all.Tomorrow’s supposed to be a rough day with 75 miles and 6000 feet of climbing. We’ll see if the extra biking tonight was a good idea after all.Gnarly bro.Marge