Illini 4000

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Day 71

Hello world!Not much happened today. I was like a bear in hybernation and slept until 11 AM... crazy talk.Some of us had a day at the movies seeing the Purge and Mamma Mia 2. I was team Mamma Mia 2. Not sure if other people liked it as much as I did, but I loved ittttt. It made me laugh, made me wanna get up and dance, and made me even choke up (I’m a softy what can I say).I’m a sucker for ABBA songs because it’s some of the music I grew up on. It kept reminding me of singing and dancing in the kitchen with my mom while we cleaned the house hahaha good times :)The rest of the day was dedicated to rest, chit chattin, and catching up on journaling.Tomorrow we head into Humboldt Redwood Forest so it should be v pretty again!! Also only 47 miles so hopefully it goes quickly!Right on.Marge