Illini 4000

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Day 63

Hello world!Unfortunately I saw today’s ride from the other side of things...I was an addition to the van clan for the day. Saddle sores man. They’re a scary thing. My booty put me out of commission as it was too painful to even think about sitting on a bike seat :(That’s alright though, I felt like having my first day of being in the van for real (not dropped off at the stayover while everyone is still biking) made me realize how grateful I am to have biked as many days as I have. I’ve been able to play through the pain every day, and having to see all the pretty sights we saw today from the inside of the van instead of a bike made me sad.But you know what they say... you have to experience the bad to know what the good is like (or something like that).Mile 63 marked the 4000th mile of the trip!!!!! How exciting is that!? I don’t think it’s ever going to really hit me as to how far we will have biked by the end of the trip. I am so proud of each and every person on this team. We all have come a long way and have helped each other through some of the toughest of days. I know that without some of my teammates, I probably would not have been able to make it as far as I have, so that’s pretty cool.Because of wildfires near Paulina, the fire rescue people were kind enough to let us borrow their portable showers. If you ever get a chance to shower in a pop up trailer thingy, I recommend you take it because they are very fancy...and they have warm water so that’s grand.Tonight we got to change it up and play some v-ball woot woot! It was fun to run around and let out some energy.Doesn’t that sound funny... energy after people biked 80 miles hah, no wonder people call us crazy.Tomorrow we’ve got a hefty 90 miles into Bend, OR and then... REST DAYYYYYYYY. I’m super pumped for bend because I wanna go mountain biking and/or hiking. Probably gunna go with the hiking option because I live for cheap thrills.Pray for me that the saddle sores will take a chill pill tomorrow so I can actually bike into Bend.Sweetness.Marge