Illini 4000

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Day 60: Oregon we’ve been waiting for you!

Today the team rode 60 miles from Boise, Idaho to Ontario, Oregon. Today’s ride was super smooth and a ton of fun! With the easy miles comes a more relaxed vibe. My group started the day with a detour to a mural alley and ended it with a detour to get pizza. It can’t get much better than that. With a short day comes more time for stops at the nooks and crannies we are so lucky to find on I4K. From a cars view you just can’t see the things we see and have the ease to get out and explore them.I would like to thank First Church of the Nazarene for having us. Also shoutout to Pizza Hut for donating pizza to us. The ride dedication for the day was for Mike’s aunts who both battled cancer.The mosher for the day was to think of a motivational quote and try to slip it in to conversations as much as possible. So I’ll leave you with mine. “If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.” This one has stuck with me for a good part of the ride. Sometimes the challenges can seem too big but then I realize how many things I have been able to accomplish and how much all of this has changed my outlook on the limits I set for myself. All you need to do is pedal and you will get where you need to go!~Tailwinds~MandyFlat count: 0Song of the day: Beautiful day - U2Memorable moment: A great downhill between two hills that made the small climb up worth it! Not the craziest decent but one I will remember for sure.