Illini 4000

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Day 60

Hello world!It was a Chill Bill day today. We only had 62 miles and pretty flat for the most part!We got to the stayover around 1 and just hung around, caught up on sleep, watched some documentaries, etc etc.Big things happened today though! We crossed the Oregon border, woooooooo party! This team has come a heck of a long way and we have one more state sign to go until the end. It honestly feels like just yesterday that we were dealing with the cold, pouring rain and massive hills of New York.Madonna was wrong... time does not go by so slowly.We’ve got 84 miles tomorrow, still biking through the uglier parts of Oregon. Views are right around the corner though so I can’t wait.On that note, as my friend Nick would say, “Bye-daho!”Marge