Day 6 and 7
Hello world!Sorry folks for dropping the ball on day 6. We were having too much fun on our almost day off! We only had to bike 23 miles, so we had most of the day to ourselves. The ride was followed by a team field trip to a mom n pop diner for brunch.We went on to explore University of Rochester and this really spooky but very cool abandoned building. It was perfect for watching the sunset on the rooftop!To give an update on my poor, pitiful sunburn... :( We have now progressed to an uncomfy rash all along my thighs!! Today I went to urgent care to get it checked out and they’re giving me a steroid so hopefully it’ll help...darn my sensitive skin!Life’s been just dandy otherwise! We’ve got about 60 miles tomorrow to get from Buffalo to Westfield, NY. We’ll see how the ol’ rash/burn is doing tomorrow to see if I can ride.Keep calm and TGIFMarge