Illini 4000

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Day 32: Rest day in Minneapolis

This morning we had a team meeting to gear up for the week ahead. We have many long days ahead of us, so we are preparing our positive attitudes.At 10:00 Mike at the University of Minnesota gave us a tour of his lab. He receives funding from Damon Runyon, one of the foundations we donate to. He told us about the research being done in the lab and provided lunch for us. Mike was patient in explaining his research, as well as entertaining, and we enjoyed our morning.We split into groups in the afternoon and all did different things. Some of us went to a coffee/bike shop, some went to the Minneapolis Zoo, and others just hung out and relaxed. Minneapolis s a very cool city with a lot going on. It’s a manageable city to get around due to the metra system and buses. There was also an extensive array of food trucks near the stay over, so lunch was more exciting than the usual peanut butter and jelly.While the upcoming days are going to be tough we are looking forward to the challenge.DR