Illini 4000

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Day 11

Here we are on day 11 of the ride, Ohio being the current state.  Thank you Chef Bill from Westwood Baptist Church in Zainsville, OH for making us delicious omelets this morning!  Westwood Baptist Church was unanimously one of our favorite stayovers so far and we are unbelievably grateful for the generous provisions!  Full of all sorts of yummy food, we moved onto an easier day of 56 miles.  Nobody even needed lunch after we filled up on cookies and other goodies during the ride.  As we officially left the foothills of Appalachia, it started to feel more like home.  Farther west in Ohio, the terrain flattens out and we found ourselves on straight, flat country roads among rows of crops.  What glorious bliss to enjoy a smooth ride, side-by-side!The ride was dedicated to Connor's mother's friend, Jill.  We showed up in Columbus early thanks to a slight tailwind and the short ride.  Today was easy to prepare us for tomorrow's lengthy ride of 103 miles.  We enjoyed Columbus thanks to the provided space and showers of Broad Street United Methodist Church.  Following our somewhat rainy adventures in the city, we returned to rest up for our first century as a team together!