Illini 4000

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Day 10

St. John's EP Church of Wheeling, West Virginia provided a delicious breakfast for us.  This morning, we dedicated the ride to Kathryn, a woman we met at yesterday's rest stop.  Her portrait about how she survived cancer while in the midst of adopting several children was inspirational to us today.  Today was rough, a combination of our first significant headwind of the ride and 4,000 feet of climbing bluffs and hills (Walder claims they are not to be called mountains).  We rode 80 miles, except for the people who ended up slightly lost and adding a small detour.Several donations were collected along the way to Zanesville, Ohio.  We are now in state #5!  All our tired bodies appreciated the wonderful provisions of Westwood Baptist Church, including showers at a nearby gym, cots from the red cross, Chipotle for dinner, and Wi-fi.  We have nothing but thanks for all the people who have assisted us along this first part of our journey!  Even when the ride seems rough, we have a friendly place to arrive at the end of each day.  Tomorrow's ride should be shorter and will begin with another church-provided breakfast.  Thank you for keeping our team in your thoughts and prayers!