Illini 4000

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Day 12

Today's century ride was dedicated to Blake's uncle who is a survivor of leukemia. Today was our first time riding over 100 miles as a team. We ride for those we love, from Columbus, Ohio to Richmond, Indiana, forging our way into state #6! How exciting to be at home in a land of flat corn fields and country roads! We actually rode on the same exact road the entire 103.6 miles: 40-West. Conditions were ideal: a slight tailwind and sunny skies. With pit stops every 20 miles and the support of each other, we made it to First English Lutheran Church. What's amazing is that we only slept for two nights in Ohio, barely crossing the border today, for a total of 3 stayovers in Indiana.Around mile 87, we took a rest stop in Lewisburg, Ohio at Wholesome Country Goods, a bulk Amish-made foods store, where we had some great conversations and also bought and were given some delicious treats to end the ride well. Thank you to tonight's stayover for a great dinner, offering breakfast in the morning, and showers. We are all becoming painfully aware that the huge quantity of showers currently available is not going to be the same out west after Chicago! Some say we will have had more showers now than the rest of the ride! We'll see about that...