Illini 4000

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The Big Apple

Today we awoke to our first morning in a real stayover together, at 6am. We split up and explored the city, from Times Square to Ground Zero and more. Meeting up again, we went to eat a complimentary breakfast and hear from the Damon Runyon Foundation about how they choose scientists to research with their grants. It was really cool to hear how our organization has donated $150,000 to them so far, and this has helped to fund some of the more than 100 scientists working under the sponsorship of the program.Among those scientists was a woman at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. She told us her own story of how her metabolism-related research had been making advances in cancer therapies since undergrad and had recently been diagnosed with thyroid cancer herself. Of all cancers, little is known about it because it has such a high survival rate. The researcher then showed us around her lab. The team would like to thank the Damon Runyon Foundation for their kindness to us today. We encourage you to learn more about them on their website,, we spent the rest of the day in the city, enjoying the time. We set sail in the morning!