Illini 4000

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Day 5

We started the day with a delicious fruity breakfast from Zion Reform Church. Today was our first truly rainy day - we rode through clouds and mist. But even rain and cold cannot stop us from climbing the mountains! Today's ride dedication was for Grace's best friend's dad, who is currently battling pancreatic cancer. Ride dedications are a great way to start the day by remembering why we ride.We climbed many mountainous hills today... Officially in the Appalachian Mountains. It was a hard day, but we rode in smaller groups (3-4 riders) to better stay together on the rolling hills. Along the way, we've received generous donations in unexpected places. People we meet are so kind and helpful!We arrived earlier than normal in the stayover, Everett Church of Brethren, because our ride was only 60 miles. Kindly, they made us a fantastic dinner and even finished it off with ice cream! We appreciate the provisions given by this wonderful church, including showers and a great breakfast we're looking forward to in the morning. We'll need it; tomorrow's ride is supposed to be the hardest until Colorado.