Illini 4000

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Day 3

Today's ride was a bit longer than the past two: we rode 81 miles from Philadelphia to Lancaster, PA. The ride was dedicated to Ed Phell's family members lost to cancer. He is from the church in Philadelphia. John from the 2013 ride joined our team for the first part of the ride, which was relatively flat. Then we entered hilly Amish country, which held many treasures including roadside fruit/baked goods stands, horse buggies, and more. The rolling hills were rough for everyone, but peacefully traffic-free. Our team has come to learn in the past few days that bikes always have issues, and we have to work together to resolve them. Safety is always our number one priority, and we have team meetings to discuss how we can improve our riding together.Towards the end of today's ride, a storm came in. The ride groups, being somewhat spread out, got varying amounts of rain and wind, but some of us took shelter in a barn. We eventually made it to First United Methodist Church, where showers and a dinner of spaghetti made the night. Thank you to the church for providing their space!