Illini 4000

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Feeling Grateful

As I sit here writing some long overdue thank you notes (I am always out of stamps), I figured it’s as good of a time as ever to get this blogging started. While the ride won’t start for another 100 or so days, this journey started back in September when, in typical Kathleen fashion, I submitted my application the day before it was due. I’ve always wanted to do something out of the box and be adventurous, I just couldn’t find anything that really got to me. It’s my senior year, and I saw this opportunity as one of my last chances to really do something like this, and I can’t think of anything better than this opportunity. I hope this is just the beginning of the crazy awesome adventures in my life.So, sitting here writing these thank you notes really makes me extremely grateful for all the support I have been getting for this trip. Every single time I get a donation, I can’t resist the urge to call my parents and tell them about it.  Someone could hand me a dollar and I would still call them, because every little bit holds the same amount for me. I’m so glad that so many people have decided to support me on this adventure. I know it will not only leave a large impact on my life, but hopefully the lives of the people I will be able to interact with along the trip this summer. Insanely grateful for all who have donated. It seems like every time I think I won’t be able to do this ride I get the support from someone I wasn’t expecting and I get excited all over again. So, thank you thank you thank you! I don’t know if I can really express how grateful I am, just know I am, even if I don’t start jumping up and down and start yelling.I’ll keep you posted on future happenings, such as my level of soreness after Saturday morning training.