Illini 4000

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Hey friends!  This is going to be a short post, since it's just my first one and I suppose it's rather late at night.  But I would like to convey to you the incredible, overwhelming gratitude I feel right now at the ways God has blessed me in the past week.First of all, it is simply enough to say that I am able to go on this trip, that I am financially and physically able to be a part of this journey, this insane undertaking at which so many marvel.  People don't believe me at first.  Sometimes they think I'm lying and that I could not possibly use a bicycle to travel from sea to shining sea.  But they are wrong; it is possible.  I have yet to comprehend the magnitude and greatness of this country, but I'm sure it will hit me once we begin.I would also like to give an update on fundraising.  Last week was a huge push for reaching $2000.  As some of you may be aware, there are checkpoints, and I was trying with all my might to tell people about the trip and send out letters and sell cookies.  But I discovered that my might was not enough.  I sell cookies in my classes and outside of sporting events, but when I add it all up, the best time to fundraise is 11pm-2am Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.  That's not easy.  As I wandered the well-lit Green Street with a box of over a hundred cookies, it occurred to me time and time again to give up.  It is cold.  This is impossible, I would think.  About to head back, I'd talk to one more person, who would proceed to throw in $20.  It shocked me.  My God is a God of impossible things, and He is my strength.  He gave me courage (I'm not typically super-duper outgoing with sketchy strangers!) to talk to the people who seemed to have the least promise.  And in one day, I raised $320, including an older man with a cane who took a cookie and dropped $40 into the can.  Near tears, I realized how blessed I am!  He has given me the weighty responsibility to "provide opportunities for people to be good stewards in distributing the resources entrusted to them."  Found that quote on a site that talks about how to have the right perspective on fundraising.  One more thing... I am trying my best to avoid saying "We can do this!" but rather "God show me the way."So it seems a fitting title to my first blog post: blessed.  He has taken my fears and swept them away.  I am so hopeful and excited for the rest of the semester, that I can blow past these monetary goals and bless others in a way that He has blessed me.Love, Grace.P.S: I bought a bike on Saturday! <3  (more info coming soon!!)