Illini 4000

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More Info Sessions and Other Fun Things!

Hopefully the first week of classes and the long weekend have treated everyone well! As a reminder, we have another information session about the Illini 4000 and how to get involved today (Tuesday Sept. 3) at 8pm in 259 English Building. We also have another session Friday Sept. 6 at 7pm, as well as an additional session next Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 6pm, both also in 259 English Building. Info sessions run less than an hour, and they all cover the same material so you only have to come to one.After the sessions on Sept. 6 and Sept. 11 we will also be heading over to CoCo Mero to socialize and eat some frozen yogurt. Come hang out with us, chat about whatever, and get your frozen dairy fix! The more the merrier!