Illini 4000

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Incredible Idaho

Today we were lucky enough to have a late wakeup at 7:30 AM, which was well needed after a rough couple of days. The ride today wasn’t too long--we only had about 52 miles to cover to reach Pocatello, ID. We were faced with some headwinds, but we were able to refuel at our lunch stop when a café owner donated a bunch of cookies to the team!Before we reached our stay over location, some of the riders came across a car wash, which was being held to raise money for cancer research. When we stopped to talk to the people working the car wash, we discovered that the fundraiser was being held for a cancer patient who was a father, grandfather, brother, and friend to those working at the car wash. We were thrilled to meet this family since we were able to conduct a portrait and help with their car wash.Once we made it to our stay over location, we were greeted with welcoming arms by the members of the Good Shepard Lutheran Church. They shuttled us to Idaho State University so that we could shower and then they cooked us a delicious dinner. We are so thankful for their generosity. In addition to their hospitality, they also introduced us to their cancer support group and the entire team was deeply moved by the stories and advice that these wonderful individuals gave us. We collected several remarkable portraits from members of the support group. We will never forget our stay in Pocatello, ID and we look forward to telling future riders about one of the most memorable moments of our I4K journey!