Illini 4000

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The Penultimate Day

It's so strange to think about how today was the last full day of riding for the 2013 team! It once again started cold, cloudy, and covered in dew/mist/whatever the chilled air was filled with this morning, but after tearing down the tents (for the last time), we set out for the road. It took some time, but eventually we all regained enough motor skills in our frigid hands to pick wild blackberries along the side of the road. In what is apparently typical fashion for this part of the country, the sun came out in time for us to be escorted in style behind a pace vehicle through a bit of construction on our way to San Anselmo and our final evening spent together as a team. It’s certainly been an eventful summer, and the ride into San Francisco tomorrow will be as sad of a departure as a final push of victory.