Illini 4000

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Our Time Out of the Saddle

After sleeping in on our event day, much of the team enjoyed a large breakfast at a local diner. The staff was just as excited about our cause as we were about their delicious food. The team took advantage of our extra free time by exploring the city, maintaining our bikes, and relaxing at the Broad Street United Methodist Church, which graciously housed the team for the these two nights. Between bike shops, sushi bars, and an art festival, the team made good use of their time off the bike. Thank you to the parents of a former 2008 rider, Andrew Erikson, who were gracious enough to donate cookies to the team and offered us rides to shops in Columbus. The day ended with a team meeting to help prepare us for the next couple weeks of riding. Despite our time off the bike, the team hasn’t lost sight of our mission and is preparing for tomorrow which will be our longest ride yet.