[Journal] Day 3; Philadelphia, PA - Newark, DE
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." - Martin Luther King Jr.My wife's name is Haeley.Her original Korean name is Haedeun, meaning the hill where the sun shines. I always thought it is such a pretty name. She is also the most beautiful person I have ever met in my life.Haeley's aunt was the victim of the brain cancer, who passed away several years ago. I never had a pleasure to meet her when she was alive. Based on what Haeley has been telling me about aunt Kim, she sure is an amazing woman.Each day I4K members gather up and dedicate the ride of the day to one of those who passed away due to cancer. On our Day 3, I suggested the dedication to aunt Kim, who would be watching I4K's journey from heaven.As we approach closer and closer to Appalachian Mountains area, hills become higher and longer. Some might think it is crazy thing to do, but it is just the part of the training for I4Ks. Higher the hill, Stronger we become!So far we are blessed so much with great hosts. I would like to say thanks to Calvary Methodist Church and Salem United Methodist Church for their kindness and prayers for us. With all your support, we ride each day with gratefulness and enthusiasm. I4K's mission is simple; To serve the people in need like those who have served us.Thanks everyone for reading this message, and may God bless you all!