Columbus Event Day
Rest day! After a team meeting at 9:30 this morning, most of us split in different groups to explore the city, get food, visit bike shops, go shopping, visit museums, or just to chill in the Broad St. United Methodist Church. With the 104 mile day tomorrow and 5 am wake up, we discussed the challenges that the Midwest would present to the group. Flat land sounds easy to bike through, but the cold weather in the early morning, the 90 degree weather during the day, and the wind throughout everything could make the next few weeks as difficult as the Appalachians, but that won’t stop us, not until the next event day at least! This ride cross country, like the fight against cancer, isn’t easy, but our group is dedicated to documenting the American cancer experience and fundraising on our way.Richmond, IN tomorrow!Thanks for the continued support,Illini 4000