Illini 4000

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Wishes Fulfilled

When I was younger, I would always wish on my eyelashes. Whenever I found an eyelash on my hand or on my face, I made sure to make a wish. From like age 5-15, I wished to go to Paris. At age 16, I went to Paris on an exchange. From age 15 until age 19, I wished to study abroad. At age 20 I studied abroad in Australia. I was so fortunate to have my dreams come true over time. I know its a silly thing that I picked up, but I actually really believed in it and my wishes did end up coming true. The other day for the first time on this trip, I noticed an eyelash on my hand (probably haven't had any because the wind whips them right off of my face). The funny thing was that I had nothing to wish for and I have never had that situation. I have always had something I needed or wanted that I could wish for, but I really had nothing this time around. I didn't even wish for this trip ever and it just popped up as the best opportunity of my life and here I stand completely satisfied and for once without anything else to wish for. I think that's the wonderful thing about an experience like this one. The small things really make you realize what you have and what you are going to miss about an experience like this.The past few days have all been wonderful riding days despite some craziness; then again, who are we kidding we are riding our bikes across the country so craziness should be expected. The days have been so simply great, there isn't much that we do different but somehow the simplicity is so perfect. I keep seeing more and more how much this experience has already helped me to build my character and how much it is going to change my life from now on and I feel so lucky to sit here with the chance to reflect on everything given the end is so near. All I can say is that my wishes and dreams are already fulfilled so I'm just gonna have to learn to dream bigger.