Illini 4000

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WE are on this journey

Yesterday we rode into Columbus, Ohio. It was an enjoyable ride-very relaxing and easy compared to most of the other rides. Sean, Dory, Jan, Linsey, and I rode together as Team Cannondale because Sean and Dory wanted us to represent their bike brand. I tried to change the name later to Team Cannonballs, but they weren't having it. Lins and I only ate one pb and j because the ride was so easy and we weren't as hungry as usual! We rode by a ton of yard sales on Route 40 because apparently it was national yard sale day. I had a lot of childhood memories and shared them with the team. At one point we were riding through a suburb that seemed like I could turn the corner and be at my house. Even though it was such an easy day, we were all so sleepy at the stayover and a bunch of us zonked out for an hour or two. Later a past rider's parents brought us cupcakes (seriously, we are spoiled- thank you!). Then Linsey, Sean, Jan, and I walked around Columbus but we found that most places were closed. It was like a ghost town. There was also goose poop all over the park we hung out at.Today we rode to Richmond, IN which is where I currently am. The church provided a great meal. After 103 miles, we got into the stayover at 5:30! So early. My group was Team Paceline- Sean, Linsey, Ellie, Connor Y., and Ron. It was great because we alternated boy, girl so the boys were always in front of a girl to block the wind. Thanks guys! Also, I have to say that Ellie is a great motivator and encourager. I love her positive spirit!After dinner tonight, I sat in on a portrait with Lauren's aunt who drove 3 hours to come visit her. Beverly is a survivor of breast cancer and her husband is a survivor of prostate cancer. Hearing her story and how she felt at peace after talking to God about her cancer was really inspiring to me. I think that after hearing something like " you have cancer" and being able to find peace with your life is truly astounding. One thing that Beverly said that stuck out to me was that when she told her family about the diagnosis, she said "I am on this journey now" and they responded "WE are on this journey." I relate this to the Illini 4000's journey across America and how we go through ups and downs but we are all on the journey together and that is what makes it all okay at the end of the day. I am so glad that Beverly had so many supporters in her battle against cancer and feel very lucky to have met her and heard her story. Beverly's one lesson is to relish life, and enjoy the people in it. I will keep that with me forever.