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The Tale of The Little Spandex Wearers

This is a story told by some of the greatest Americans who ever lived.George Washington = GWThomas Jefferson = TJTheodore Roosevelt = TRAbraham Lincoln = ALGW: YawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnAL: You alright there George?GW: Yes, just a bit tired Abe. It's 8 am after all, and I got a terrible night's sleep.TJ: I wonder why......TR: Odd, I slept like a baby.TJ: YOU ALWAYS SLEEP LIKE A BABY, ROO.TR: It's not my fault I snore.GW: Boys, boys settle down.AL: Wait a second, do you see that?GW, TJ, TR: What?AL: I think...I think there are some cyclists coming our way through the Black Hills National Park.TR: Surely, there would be no one stupid enough to try to climb up this way. That is nearly, mmmmm, high up are we?GW: 5000 feet.TR: 5000 feet? Are you kidding me?TJ: Can't you hear the man? I know I'm between you two, but he's right here. You really need to get your hearing checked.TR: And how am I supposed to do that? I suppose I will just ask someone to sculpt some legs for me so I can walk down to the local hospital, huh? Really good idea Jeffy.AL: Shut up you two. They are coming closer.GW: NOOOOOOOOOO, why would they be biking up that 2 mile hill. We really aren't that big of a deal. Why does everyone always want to see us?AL: Now, George, you of all people should know that because of us and the actions we made directly affect these people's lives. We kind of are a big deal, for some people.TJ: It should be every person.AL: Yes, yes, yes Thomas. I know, but that is what is beautiful about America, people have the freedom to believe in whatever they want here.TJ: Whatever.....GW: O my, they arrived already! How are they so quick? Look at all those little tight shirt, spandexed people and their bicycles.TR: I see some pretty good mustaches too. TJ: Quickly, get in picture position.TR: You are so stupid. We are always ready for pictures. WE CAN'T MOVE.GW: Shut up and smile you two.(1/2 an hour passes by)AL: That was quick. Where are they going now, George?GW: It looks like.....through the Mt. Rushmore National Park.TJ: Naturally...who wouldn't want to see our backwoods?GW: And now they passed the sculpture of Wounded Kneee.TR: O, I can't wait til his sculpture is finished! Finaly, we will have a neighbor!GW: Oof, more hills. Not as bad before, but still, I would not want to be them.AL: I can see them leaving South Dakota now! I will miss them. They seemed like such nice and honest kids, and I can appreciate that.GW: Very funny, Abe.TR: And now they are getting food! What kind people there are in Newcastle, WY.TJ: Pamido, Hopps, Pizza Hut, and Taco John all donated food, maybe I was wrong about the people in America.AL: That's more like it, Thomas. Wow, it's already bedtime.GW: Good luck little spandex wearers! Good night!THE END*This blog entry is based on a true story