Illini 4000

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The Joys of Victory

No one said what we are about to do is going to be easy. Nothing makes this clearer then the conditions we faced on the previous training ride. Through hard work and perseverance we were all able to overcome the ferociousness of mother nature.Our day started off with gloomy skies and wet roads. By the time our tires had hit the pavement the wind, rain, and cold had joined forces to make our ride dreadful. We continued onward towards Allerton Park in Monticello knowing that the obstacles we are about to face are minuscule compared to what others have to face on a daily basis.On the ride out to Allerton we faced a moderate headwind that impeded our average speed to single digits. With the help of Brad Topol, a senior rider, we were able to keep our spirits high. We kept telling ourselves that with every headwind, there is a tailwind.31 miles later we arrived at our destination. I glanced at the other riders  and everyone had this look of excitement on their faces, like children on christmas eve. We all knew that there was no way that we were going to take a break. We turned around immediately, and apologized to the splendid wind for cursing it out minutes before.The wind pushed us home at speeds reaching 30 miles an hour. Of course with great power comes great responsibility, as Louis learned the hard way. The potholes along the way proved to be too much for his tires to handle at such great speeds, and he had to change a couple flats. Weather aside, twas a great day with great people.Do zobaczenia!Jan W.