Illini 4000

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First Post!

Hello all!So I'll be honest, it's 1:30 am and I decided to post to procrastinate studying for my test that I have at 10am. I just wanted to get my inaugural post out of the way. So here it is.I first off want to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. Even just looking at our awesome website gives us more strength to continue fighting for the cure. I also want to thank all of the gracious people who donated to me. Without your help this ride and this organization wouldn't exist.My fundraising efforts have garnered better results than I could have imagined. I went about my fundraising by writing a personal letter attached with a Info and Donation form and an envelope with a stamp addressed to the Illini 4000. I sent out 106 of these letters to family, friends, old teachers, etc., and the response was amazing! You guys rock!I am so thoroughly excited about this trip. I know that I will look back on my life someday and say that this cross country trek will definitely be one of the highlights. I also cannot wait to spend the summer with these awesome people. It is great and very powerful to see people of so many different backgrounds come together for a common goal.I also am ecstatic to get back into shape! And with spring break looming, it is the absolute perfect time. I've been trying to work out 6-7 days a week but with two jobs, 17 hours of class, and a social life to balance I haven't always gone. Regardless, I feel like I'm in the equivalent shape I was when I played football and ran track in high school which is just a great feeling. I have just purchased my bike and all I need to do is go get it when I go home for break and I'll be ready to ride! It is a Cannondale Synapse Alloy 5. Here is a link here (I'm getting the black one): Needless to say, she and I will become pretty good friends after this is all said and done. I haven't named her yet but I'm open to suggestions.Well I should probably be getting back to the books. I really hope this finds you well and that there are people out there who don't like cancer and are willing to do something about it!-Sean