Illini 4000

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T minus 15 miles

This morning we awoke, excited to complete our last "real" day of riding. Eamon had the Mosher and graced our companion touring cyclist Max with an Ilini 4000 jersey.  We also played a game we had first played in West Yellowstone, which resembled a cross between tag and "red rover."Today's morning was rather flat and led us through urban areas, and once the sun came out in the afternoon, we were greeted with warm weather, hills, and lots of other cyclists on the road.  We enjoyed our very last rest stop at mile 45, full of music and snacks and photos.The team arrived in beautiful San Rafael and prepared for a day of housekeeping.  The van was completely unloaded, the out-of-control lost and found bin was emptied for the first time in ages, and a massively long and productive debriefing meeting was held.  We paused for a dinner break, graciously donated by the Mazurski and Oden families at San Rafael's Joe's Italian restaurant.  The meeting continued after dinner, well into the evening.  Some riders went to bed at a reasonable hour, while others chose to continue the van cleaning party well into the night.