Illini 4000

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My I4k Trip so far

Wow. Ok, shame on me for taking so long to blog. Where do I begin?! This trip has been one of the most amazing and challenging things I have ever done (I'm sure all other I4kers feel the same). It is crazy to see how far we have all come. I remember being in New York City the day before the trip thinking, "Wow, is this really happening?!" And sure enough, it did. 28 excited and anxious cyclists began an unforgettable journey May 25th, 2010.Each and every day has been a day to remember. There have been physical challenges; not only just the fact that we bike an average of 80 miles a day, but also things such as crossing the Appalachian Mountains, getting through hilly PA, biking over 100 miles in one day, biking through different weather conditions, and biking through the Badlands, the Black Hills, Mt Rushmore, and the Big Horn Mountain. There have been emotional challenges, such as being away from home, family and friends for a whole summer, sleeping on the floor every night, sleeping in a different place every night, and sometimes feeling like you cannot go on (more in the beginning of the trip). AND, most importantly, there have been many countless amazing moments of each and every day, which totally outweigh the challenges and make this trip the most wonderful time of our lives.Throughout this trip, I have had the opportunity to not only get to know 27 strangers, but I have also had the opportunity to meet many generous individuals across the United States, listen to many people share their stories about their cancer journey, tour several cancer centers, and see this country's beauty. Every Portraits interview I've been able to sit in on has been absolutely touching. I admire the courage of those who share their stories with us, as I can only imagine it can be very emotional and scary to relive the experience. Listening to the stories of those who have been affected by cancer has been one of my favorite and most memorable parts of this trip. Between the things that have been said and the emotions that have been displayed during these interviews, I will forever be touched.Just the same with the cancer centers. Touring the cancer centers has been another favorite part of mine. They were very educational in the sense that I learned so much about different cancer treatments. It's nice to have a better understanding of what chemotherapy is and does versus radiology and tomotherapy. I can now have a picture in my mind when someone speaks of their treatment experience, which makes me feel like I can connect better and be closer to the individual that is sharing his or her cancer experience.I am so thankful for all of the generous people we have encountered on this trip; from churches and schools and rec centers letting us stay in their buildings and using their showers, to people cooking us delicious meals, to businesses/people donating food to us, to individuals willing to tell us their cancer story, and to individuals donating money to our cause. These places/people have helped us tremendously to fight against cancer. No matter where we are, there is always someone asking who we are and what we are doing. The expressions and support we get when we respond is unforgettable.Now there is a little over 3 weeks left until we reach San Francisco. I don't call it "the end" because frankly, the Illini 4000 and the individuals involved will never experience an "end" to doing what we do best; fighting cancer.  I am so unbelievably proud of everyone and their hard work to raise money, awareness, and continue biking each and every day. I am extremely thankful for all of our supporters, because without them, we would not have been able to get as far as we have come. So thank you everyone! And pray that we find a cure soon!