Illini 4000

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The Return of the Hills

The rains have dried up and the sun has finally come out from behind the clouds.  Despite a little headwinds in the morning, we had great weather, smoothly paved roads and beautiful scenery.  It was not an easy ride though; we had to climb some BIG hills.  All the mountains in PA have trained us well and we managed to conquer these hills like champions.  Lunch was a delicious meal of home-made subs, chips, and cookies provided by the Russel family (Thanks so much!!).  Everyone ate to their fill and took a good rest/nap on the grassy hill.  After arriving at our stay-over, we went swimming at a local pool.  The kids at the pool were jumping off the diving boards like Olympic medalists, putting us college students in dripping bike shorts to shame.  As it is a Chinese holiday today, a group of us went for a Chinese buffet dinner while some stayed behind for a simple, home-cooked meal of spaghetti, garlic bread and leftovers.  Overall, a great Wisconsin day full of sunshine, rolling green hills and great food!