Illini 4000

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Blog Catch Up. #1 Albert Lea,MN- Mitchell, SD 6/20-23/2010

This week has been one of very few chances of computer access and exhausting days.  Sorry I haven't been able to update as frequently as I have!  Here goes.Albert Lea, MN was very accomodating for the team.  Meals were provided- something the team hadn't seen for a while.  It is nice to be a ride leader when meals are provided because half of the chores are already done and Jordan and I do not have to think about breakfast.  The food offered at the stayover was accented by bacon.   Bacon in the salad, the eggs, chicken, everywhere!  The vegetarians on the team did not leave dissapoijnted for there were mountains of fruit and non bacon products too. The ride into Albert Lea was challenging.  A strong headwind and rain made the ride pretty miserable; until the last ten miles where the sun was shining and the heat warmed us up.  Any grumpy thoughts were erased when touched by the sun's warmth.  I rode with a fast group today and we managed to tackle the day with a good speed in the headwind.  The stayover was close to a pool which had a hot tub.  Sometimes, we are spoiled.The next day to Jackson, MN was another toughy with headwinds.  The day was a little slower than previous because most of the team mixed up their riding groups.  My group included Eamon, Pi, Gabrielle, Ana, Diana, Kevin and Michell.  It was a very fun day despite the headwinds.  About halfway through the day Kevin, Eamon and I got a closer look at a windmill.  Amazing. I was excited for Mitchell, SD because the team finally had a hospital visit at a cancer center.  The group woke up early to arrive on time for the appointment and to dodge some potential heat for the day.  South Dakota is wonderful with rolling hills and lack of trees.  Instead of trees, South Dakota has cows and a handful of buffalo.  On our way to Mitchell, Shao had not one but TWO flats.  The first was thankfully in a beautiful river valley near a drowning cow.  This cow was mooing for his life!  Funny, the next day I heard on the radio that Hwy 16 (the river valley that we were in) was completely flooded.  At least we got through in time!  I'm sure the cow made it out safely. Two miles later.... you guessed it.  ANOTHER flat from Shao.  I couldn't stop laughing.  Then I fell asleep as she continued to fix her flat with assistance from Pi.  For ONE HOUR.  After that hour, the wheel was almost pumped up.  A few more pumps... and BOOM.  The tube broke.  Seeing as we were only a few miles from lunch, we called the van to pick Shao up to fix her tire at lunch.  While the van was making it's way back, I continued my beauty sleep on the highway.  I slept so soundly that the tar from the road caked on my jersey.The hospital visit in Mitchell, SD was very interesting.  The tour guide was very knowledgeable and taught us alot about radiation in particular.  It was good for the team to finally get some time in a cancer facility.