Illini 4000

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Thank You to Everyone!!!

I cannot thank my friends and family enough for all of their support!! Thank you to everyone who has donated to the cause and helped me throughout the year in various ways.I want to thank my parents, John and Carol Russell, who have been so supportive of this endeavor. I think they are just as excited as I am, and I could ask for nothing more.Special thanks to W.E. O'Neil Construction Company, Bill and Janet O'Neil, Pat and Tracey Russell, Stacy O'Malley, Jeffrey and Donna Widdman, The Mikuzis Family, Ann and Cameron Russell, Joe and Judi Weingarz, Genevieve Russell(Aunt Gen), The Dalton Family, Mary Dalton (Nana), Bruce and Karen Bethards, Phil Cerney, Carolyn and Gerry Murphy, Phillip and Jill Maxwell, John and Carolyn Healy, Bill and Maureen Bolotin, Brian and Kathleen Chaps, Doug and Cindy Evak, David and Lisa Hanneman, Colin and Marie Sumida, Pat and Brian Egan, Tim and Kathy Russell, Georgean Wegrzyn, Andrew and Stephanie Hofner, John and Janet Juarez, Jane Powers, Cindy Poletto, Michael and Mary Jo Hosman, Donald and Anne Knibbs, Patty Dalton, and all of my friends on campus who have purchased wristbands, raffle tickets, and given words of encouragement!