Illini 4000

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Check Point: Rest Day 1!

Friends and family,Well, we made it to Pittsburgh all accounted for. Currently residing at The Church of Ascension just next to the University of Pittsburgh campus. Quite a pretty place. Today's 47 mile, mostly hill-less ride proved a terrific treat for all the riders, even the ones caught in a brief downpour!  A couple of riders had the misfortune of traveling to a local laundromat to clean our clothes sufficiently for the first time since we left on Saturday, but alas, the laundromat was closed due to Memorial Day. Tonight's schedule consists of dinner in mere minutes, a team meeting, and then a night of enjoyment!Tomorrow's plans for a rest day involves a day of personal interests and exploration of the city, wrapping up with a trip to the Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Chicago Cubs game, courtesy of Mr. And Mrs. Kelleher (thank you!!!).Go Blackhawks!The Illini 4000