Illini 4000

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April Showers

I grudgingly report that this is a very accurate description of April so far...I had a chance to go on a few training rides this week, and overall they've been good learning experiences.  Tuesday's 8am ride was 23 miles, starting off in mid 30 degree weather.  Surprisingly, I wasn't terribly cold except for my fingers; I am thinking of investing in some full-fingered gloves.  Wednesday's afternoon ride was beautiful weather except for the 20+ mph winds, which are a nuisance to say the least.  It sucks when you're pedaling with all your might and only going 7mph.  Luckily, very cloud has a silver lining: with a strong tailwind the ride back to campus was awesome.This morning I rushed to the post office when it opened to pick up my new Sugoi bike shorts and Camelbak insulated water bottles before setting out to Allen to meet up with the team.  It was drizzling pretty hard when we left for Homer Lake, and continued to do so for the 15 miles to our destination.  I was in the front group today, we made good time averaging 18mph for most of the ride there.  By the time we got to Homer Lake, my shoes were completely soaked through and I was a bit chilly, but luckily my rainproof jacket performed very well and kept me really dry.  Hooray for a good purchase!  The ride back was a bit slower, and the sun teased us for most of the trip before Mother Nature decided to pull a late April Fools prank and hailed on us right as we were drying out.  All in all, a good ride despite the elements.  Now I'm just waiting for those May flowers...