Illini 4000

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The Longest & Shortest Summer

Today, we rode into Hillsboro, OR which is a suburb of Portland. Tomorrow we will ride between 20 and 30 miles to complete our summer journey. It's bittersweet of course because I'm so proud of every person on this team and will miss them like crazy once we all go our separate ways but I am also curious to see how the real world is doing and what's beyond this crazy liefstyle that we've been leading for the past 64 days.

The stayover is awesome, yet again. We are so lucky. There's air conditioning, a shower, cots, internet, and the Ohs are buying dinner for everyone! They are so awesome, it's so nice of them to do all this for us (a second time).

I'm not sure what I'll be doing in Portland the next couple days but I can tell you right now that I'm going to Powell's, a HUGE used bookstore, eat some Voodoo Donuts, and relax. Some people's families are coming in, so that should be really great. It'll be really nice to see everyone together. Plus, we'll have nowhere to be for two days (except the airport)!