Illini 4000

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From Sea to Shining Sea

We finally made it to the ocean!!!! Although it's further west than Portland, we just had to swim in the ocean and offically go coast to coast. The ride was good, but almost all I can remember from this day is how great I felt when we were riding down Broadway in Seaside, Oregon. As the last group in, it was so awesome to have the rest of the team and a few strangers cheering for us on the sidewalk as we neared the ocean. People even hugged us as they found out what we were doing and how far we had actually made it. That was extremely nice. It was such a great feeling. Kristen, Christa and I pulled a Baywatch and ran a long way down the beach, taking off our jerseys and running our hearts into the Pacific Ocean. It was so wonderful. There is nothing like that, ever. 

After swimming around for a while, we went down to the stayover. It was a community center adn hold on, it gets better, it had a pool, showers, a jacuzzi, rope swing, slide, and I can't remember but we had SO much fun. It was one of the nicest stay overs ever, everyone enjoyed themselves, deservedly so.

I can't believe we made it from sea to shining sea. How crazy!!