Illini 4000

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Yellowstone was beautiful, but it took a lot of hard work to get there.  The ride in was windy, hilly, cold, and rainy at times.  This weather didn\'t work out too well with our first camping experience of the summer with temperatures dipping into the low 30\'s the first night.

On the rest day, as with most rest days, we all broke off into groups and did our own thing.  Some went for hikes and enjoyed some beautiful views.  Some went for a ride to check out some waterfalls.  And others just sat around and relaxed by the lake.  A bunch of us were lucky enough to get some up close and personal views of some buffalo.

The ride out was absolutely freezing in the morning, but once things warmed up we were in for a great ride.  We stopped at Old Faithful and many of us went for long hikes and checked out a bunch of other geysers.  All told, we all enjoyed our time in Yellowstone.

Last night we stayed in West Yellowstone, a major tourist town just outside of the park.  Many of us got ice cream at a local establishment with a few checking out the premier of the fifth  Harry Potter movie.

Special thanks to Tom Blue, who gave us a generous donation in Yellowstone, and our camping neighbors in Yellowstone.