New timezone unlocked: Pacific!
The following post was written yesterday:The past couple of states have been so picturesque it is getting hard to appreciate the majesty of our rides. That being said, Idaho is beautiful. If I had known better I would have taken some photography classes before coming on this trip. My pictures will never do this state justice. For the past two days we have been riding mostly downhill with a river on our left and mountains surrounding us. And forests. The line of trees has been almost unbroken since Missoula.Some of us got in the stream during our lunch break today. After 40 miles of riding, it was a nice way to cool off. Yesterday most of us took a long, long break in the Jerry Johnson Hot Springs. It may not be as convenient as a hot tub, but those hot springs were pretty. And great. They were pretty great.I got to ride in the van for 30 miles yesterday because of a camping mixup. It turns out that the camp grounds we were supposed to stay in had be closed. For a while now. So we decided to head down to the next camp ground about 28 miles away instead of hiding out in a deserted campground. The reason I got to ride in the van is because I was on cooking duty until this morning, and needed to get dinner started so that it would be ready in a timely fashion.