Illini 4000

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Little bikes on the prarie

Excitement is running high as we begin to enter the western frontier. While the terrain has not changed much in the past day the next stretch of South Dakota is sure to get hilly, lush and hopefully filled with buffalo. Today was rainy but the teams spirits were still high, I think it was the most chatty we have been while riding this whole trip. Perhaps it had to do with the wonderful rest day we had in Mitchell.

In Mitchell it was a great experience to go to the cancer center there. It is amazing the amount of different information we get at each visit we do even though it centers around the same subject. Also, it is nice to see that our question are becoming more sofisticated and specific. One thing that I thought was really interesting was that the radiation equiptment not only cost 1 milllion dollars but also have to be replaced about every 8 years because of technology advancments. Also, to get the equiptment out the floor and sometimes walls ahve to be demolished. The center we were at sent their old equipment to Brazil for free, which is raelly phenomenal. Visiting the centers always brings a great reminder and connection to the reason why we are doing this.
Tomorrow is the fourth of July so hopefully we will see some fireworks, sing some patriotic songs and have Matt Strick show us how to be an American.

Also, we are supposively close to Laura Engle Wilder's house, exciting!

with love,