Illini 4000

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Day 59 - Swimming in Cherries

Kennewick, WA to Naches, WA

Our ride was long and hot into Naches.  We knew we had a long day, so we rode pretty fast to get in early and made pretty decent time.  It was pretty hot, and we heard that temperatures went up to almost 100 degrees.  Some riders found a cherry stand right outside town and ate about a pound of cherries each, but their digestion made them regret it later.  Someone also brought a huge crate back, so I had some, but not many, and also tried Mt. Rainier cherries, a larger white cherry that is apparently very expensive in Chicago, but tasted great.  Once we got settled in, we went to Margaret's, a local restaurant, and had some delicious chocolate malt milkshakes and our picture taken so that it could be put on the wall.  We also went to a local pool to cool off, which felt really good, and when we got back, found a VHS player and watched Aladdin AND The Lion King, so it was a pretty great night.  The town was very small, but very welcoming, and we were sad to have to leave, but Mt. Rainier calls us.

States traveled through:18(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD, WY, MT, ID, WA)
Distance today: 109 mi
Total Distance traveled:  3744 mi