Illini 4000

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Day 33/34 - A wonderful palace of corn

Sioux Falls, SD to Mitchell, SD.

We had a fun riding day today, since there was very little wind, and we knew we only had 75 miles to go until our rest day.  Once we got in, we were able to shower for the first time since our last rest day, which was nice, and I also got to do some much-needed laundry.  Mitchell is also the home of the world's only corn palace, so we went and visited that, which was kind of cool with the murals made of different types of corn all over the walls.  There is a basketball gym inside the palace, and actual high school and amateur games(150 a year!) are played in the gym, to this day!  After that, we went hung out in Mitchell, and had some fun singing karaoke, and the people were great, donating over a hundred dollars on the night for us. 

The next day was our rest day, and we were able to get a tour of Avera, the biggest hospital system in South Dakota.  The facilities were great and we were able to see so much cool technology of what goes on during cancer treatment.  After that, I visited a local bike shop, Ron's Bike Shop and Locksmith, which are two of my favorite things, bikes and keys, and the owner hooked me up with a free shop t-shirt, which is another thing I love, so if you ever end up in Mitchell, visit this bike shop, because its great.  We also met Rich the night before at karaoke, who volunteered to come over and grill for us, so huge thanks to everyone in South Dakota who has been so great to us so far.  Rich grilled me up some sweet South Dakota corn, and amazing cheese brats, so I was really full and happy after a well-fed dinner.  Tomorrow we head to Chamberlain, and hear rumors of a tailwind, which would be absolutely amazing, for the first time this trip. 

States traveled through:14(NY,NJ,PA, DE, MD, DC, VA, WV, OH, IN, IL, WI, MN, SD)
Distance today: 77 mi
Total Distance traveled:  2081 mi