Illini 4000

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Conquering The Mountains

Today began with an 11 mile climb full of bumpy roads and construction. While taking one of the last passes to the top we were able to look back and see our starting point far below us. Despite the challenging nature of our morning ride we were given some of the most beautiful views that we have had on our whole trip. With snow capped mountains in the background we rode past flower filled mountain meadows and deep river valleys. We were given a special treat when Saebin's parents met us on top of the Big Horns with lunch already set out for us. They also cooked us an amazing dinner tonight to feed our huge appetites from today's ride.The most incredible part of today's ride was of course the 18 mile decent after mile 45. We coasted for about 40 minutes with some groups averaging over 30mph the whole way down. The start of the decent was filled with pine and green fields. As we made our way to the bottom the landscape changed into a beautiful red rock desert. The majority of the team is exausted but we were all awestruck by the incredible scenery we witnessed today. Tomorrow we make our way to Cody before continuing on to Yellowstone. The beautiful is behind us and the best is yet to come!