Illini 4000

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Mayo on the Roc


Early day today, we all had to get up at 4:30am and hit the road at 5 am. We all descided to get up early because we schedualed a tour of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester at 2pm. So we wanted to make shure we got there on time. We had lunch at 9am and ended up getting here way early than expected. We estinmated we'd all make it to Rochester around 1pm but in reality we all made it in before noon.

We had a two hour tour of the clinic. It was awesome to be able to walk around one of the best cancer centers in the nation. We toured the labs and learned alot about biochemistry and more aabout cell growth. We saw how they ran their tests on cancers effects on cells. They had this real big and expensive microscope that we were able to look at cells. The quality of the image was amazing, they have 3 filters, red, blue and green. that took pictures of the cells and when they were put togeather you get this amiazing image of the cell. It was called the HAL 100, but its way diffrent from its new models, like the HAL 1000 its more sentiant model.(movie refrence)

After the tour we were able to go to ROCFEST!! A really big festival going on down the block from our stayover. It was fun, lots of food and a 4hr parade. Unfortunitly the food was pretty expensive but besides the price the food was good, espically the bbq. All in all it was a pretty fun day.