Heading West
The last two days since I have updated have been nothing short of beautiful. We have continued to ride through the steep hillsides of the mountains out here, but at the top of each there is a fantastic view of the countryside. One morning, as we left Mt. Pleasent, we rode through some awesome descents through the morning fog. Its a great opportunity to see some of these places by bike before many of the citizens are even awake. Unfortunately, I usually find myself sweating before they awake also.
Yesterday's ride was only around 65 miles, yet the most confusing route yet. We have discovered that many of the roads are not labeled in PA, and also that many of our directions are incorrect which led to some confusing moments during the ride. After finally arriving to our stay over, we were shuttled over to the Fishbeck residence where we were served a great meal. We also had the chance to learn about the Bone Marrow Donor Database. This is something that I have registered for a few months ago, but I didn't really understand how important it was until what I learned last night.
Today's ride was around 65 miles with some great weather to accompany us. About two miles in one of our rider's, Tim, had an unfortunatre flat and we had to pause for a while. This gave us a chance to verify our route thanks to the leading groups and saved us time in the end. After a short water break, our group (called group 2) was reunited and it was smooth sailing from then on. Now we are in a town called Cadiz, OH staying at a church near a great ice cream place and resting for the upcoming rides.