Illini 4000

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Day 3 - "Going Back to Philly...I Don't Think So"

Today we rode from Philly, PA to Newark, DE.  I was expecting Delaware to be especially beautiful for some reason, but so far, we haven't seen any evidence of that, just lots of broken glass.  The ride was pretty boring, it was only 40 miles, and we made it to the Salem United Methodist Church in only 2 and a half hours, and had the rest of the day to relax.  The trip here was mainly through industrial areas, so we didn't get to see anything too interesting and the roads were not in very good biking conditions.  Matt and Sae-bin both got flat tires today, and Conor wiped out again, a lot harder this time, but he managed to avoid major injuries again.

We got a great welcome from the Salem church, they were very happy to see us, and gave us little cancer pins, snacks, and water, which we really appreciated.  They also have a piano, so Matt H and Isaac gave us another few songs from their Illini 4000 musical which they are working on, and we played some chess(I lost).  We are excited for dinner tonight, the Salem Church is providing most of the food for our stayover, and we are looking forward to some good home cooking.  Tomorrow we ride to Baltimore, Maryland, and it should be about an 80 mile ride again, so we have another long day ahead of us.  Pics of the church and our living area are online, so check my Flickr page.

States traveled through:4(NY,NJ,PA,DE)
Distance today: 40 mi
Total Distance traveled: 192 mi