Illini 4000

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Chargin' mah lazer I4K style

What a difference the mountains made!  I didn't realize how much stronger we've all become until our most recent routes.  The last two days of our ten-day stretch added up to a long 206 miles.  What was most impressive to me is the fact that all the groups made our 110 mile day with no issues.  Even though my group got in first an hour before the next group that day, the rest of the groups all rolled in within the hour after that.  And to top it off, I hit the 1000 mile mark during yesterday's ride into Greenwood, IN! The time has just flown by so far, and its hard to believe that we're already a quarter of the way done and that we'll be in Champaign in two days.

My thanks go out to the people who have put us up the last few stay overs.  We wouldn't be able to pull off the 100 mile days without the great food that we are graciously provided (especially the way we've been known to cook).  That includes the Bartholomew family who have put us up, and put up with us, for the last two days.  They have fed us great food and shown us the area which has made Indiana feel a lot more welcoming.  It's going to be hard to leave here tomorrow, but heading towards the familiar land of Illinois should keep us going.