A Short But Rainy Day
Today we rode into Columbus, Ohio from Zanesville and the ride was pretty easy except for all the rain we got caught in. However, once we hit Ohio the mountains seemed to have disappeared for a while and now we are getting into the plains of the Midwest. And I am ready for them. It's crazy to think that we'll be in Illinois in 5 days!
We've met some really generous people so far in gas stations and ice cream stands that see our team jerseys and just tell us their cancer story or pull out all the money in their wallet to donate to our cause. It's really something to see. If there is one thing to believe in it's that there is good in all people if you look for it.
I think I'll end this one with a joke. Ok here goes (and it's kind of lame, but hey, jokes are good):
What's round on the end and high in the middle?