Illini 4000

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Reconnecting to the cause

With all this talk of cycling, it's important to remember why we're doing what we're doing. This evening we visited the Carle Clinic Cancer Center in Urbana, where we received a tour of the facilities. Overall it was a very nice building, it was clear that quite a bit of thought had gone into designing a comfortable flow for those using the facility. From the entryway, to changing rooms and examination rooms, treatment facilities, and consulting areas, the layout created a warm and welcoming environment. Our tour leader also emphasized how the Center has become a place for holistic healing. Not only do they have dozens of cancer treatment methods at their disposal, but they also help their patients along by providing dietary and exercise advice, financial services, relaxation classes, and much more. From our tour we gained a better understanding of the process that somebody goes through from detection to treatment and all the steps along the way. Knowing that we have a quality facility for people in the region to visit for their cancer needs is a definite plus for our community.